As per Dharmashastras all vaideeha karmas (rituals) will yield the desired
results and benefits only if performed in India (karma Bhoomi). For example
all Pitru karmas have to be necessarily performed in India. There are
deviations allowed as per shastras to perform the same on another day if
the karma cannot be performed on the correct day. However they must be performed
and performed in India only. This will also apply to Homams and several other
Vaideeha karmas. Please consult your family Guru for correct advice.
However there are a set of Dharmas which will yield the desired results and
merits even if they are performed from outside India. These are karmas for the
welfare of the world and all living beings.These are called Poortha Dharmas
Some examples of Poortha dharmas are
Annadhanam- Feeding of poor
Donations for maintenance of the poor and destitutes
Donations for the education of the poor
Digging of lakes and ponds for use of the community
Medical help for the poor
Donations to Veda patashalas( VEDA samrakshanam)
Donations to Goshalas( GO samrakshanam)
Maintenance of Choultries for use of the poor
Planting and Maintenance of trees
Contributions to Vaideeha Karmas performed in India for welfare of the world( Yagams, Homams, etc)
Contributions for the renovation and maintenance of old temples and other places of worship.
Most of the NRIs are financially well off and have been bestowed this position
due to the good karmas performed in their earlier births and due to the good karmas
performed by their ancestors and their blessings. It is essential that you add to
the good karmas and leave a bigger legacy for the benefit of your children and the
future generations.
Kanchi Mahaswamigal used the analogy of a cycle pedal to illustrate this.
When you pedal a cycle for some time, due to momentum, the cycle will continue
to move for some time even if you stop pedaling. In the same way, the momentum created
by the good karmas in earlier births will carry us along for sometime. However if we
do not add to the good karmas, the cycle will lose momentum and stop.
It is therefore essential that we do not miss any opportunity to do Poortha
Dharmas and obtain merit for us and our children.
The above applies to all resident Indians as well.
The time to act is now.